Today I was able to speak with the Star Tribune’s Jerry Zgoda about the state of the Timberwolves.
DWW: Where does this rank among bad seasons for the Wolves?
JZ: It has had its moments as bad as any in those early years — I’m thinking of the first quarter at Madison Square Garden two weeks ago as one of those moments — but they had the expansion-franchise excuse then. This time, there is much more hope. There’s such a better core with Big Al, Love, Flynn, Brewer and Sessions and they’ve got assets: the rights of Rubio and Pekovic. They make the right moves this summer and you won’t be asking this question next season.
DWW: Will Minnesota play better down the stretch? If so, in what ways will they be better?
JZ: They should be. Because: Al’s getting better – and more confident – by the week. Flynn’s starting to get it. They all are, as far as the offense and the way Rambis wants them to play. They’re letting Sessions play a more significant role as time goes.
DWW: If Minnesota ends up with John Wall, how much does he help the Wolves next season?
JZ: Could be huge, not just because of his talent, but because they really could parley the assets they already have – Rubio’s rights and Flynn, among them – into another high lottery pick. Maybe a couple of em.
DWW: Will David Kahn make a move at the deadline?
JZ: Nothing major. I could see him trading a guy like Gomes if another team wants him long term and is willing to extend his contract next summer. I doubt if Kahn will.
DWW: Who do you see the Wolves going after in the offseason via free agency?
JZ: Of the notable ones, the only one I see them having a chance at is throwing a bunch of money at Rudy Gay and hoping the Grizzlies choke on the offer. That’s a long shot, though.
DWW: Can Big Al and Kevin Love coexist in the starting lineup without hurting the team?
JZ: They’re perfectly fine for now. Whether you can seriously contend with what eventually will be a lot of money committed to both of them, that’s the question. But they don’t have to answer that now or for some time.
DWW: Can Jonny Flynn be the long term answer at PG?
JZ: Of course, unless it’s going to be John Wall.
DWW: Do you believe the triangle offense is the long term goal for the team? If not do you believe David Kahn when he says they want to play up tempo?
JZ: I’d say they’re triangle-ish. I think that’s what they intend to do, but you need better athletes on the wings (Corey Brewer excepted, of course) to do so.
DWW: Have we seen the best of Corey Brewer or is this just the tip of the iceberg?
JZ: The tip. He’s 23. Imagine him at 27 or 28.
DWW: Are these past few games from Ryan Hollins a mirage?
JZ: A bit. He’s not going to average 15 a game forever, but the dude can run and jump, and that really stands out on this team.
DWW: Was Mark Madsen a great offensive player? Or was he the greatest offensive player?
JZ: What year of elementary school are you asking about?
DWW: Who do you take on your team; Christian Laettner or KG?
JZ: What sport?
DWW: Last one; was JR Rider the best thing to ever happen to the Timberwolves franchise?
JZ: He did give it a few of the most memorable moments: By being late to his introductory press conference, he inspired Jack McCloskey to challenge Sid Hartman to a fight in the middle of a live radio broadcast. And the night his mommy wandered onto the court to comfort him during one of his moments.
Thank you for your time Jerry, I really appreciate it.