Wolves Logo Look Back and NBA News

Part of being a fan of a team is look at every angle of what makes “a team”.  When we think about our team, we like to think in the present – maybe more about the future.  We focus on the current finance situations, possible free agency signing, and the decisions to be made when we draft.  Here at Dunking with Wolves we will look at that and ponder the options heading into the next season.

I also want to look at where we came from, how this team can to be, and glance at it’s relatively short history. It’s easier to look back at the “good ‘ol days” when things are rough.  Like looking at high school are remembering where we came from and laughing at the clothes we wore and the stupid hairdos we tried to pull-off.

Having taken some time recently to really dig in and look at the Wolves Official Website, I found some great information on the history of the team that I would like to highlight.   Today I wanted to take a quick look at the logos and how they have changed over the years.

The images below come from a great site where you can find any team logo, alternative logo, and jersey design at www.sportslogos.net.

Here are the three main primary logo’s since 1989.

The first logo is my favorite of the bunch.  It is simple, clean, and has style that we don’t see in logo’s.  Maybe I have a little bit of “good ‘ol days” feeling, but this logo is classic and still influences the emblems of our team.

The next grouping has the “alternate” logos.

It’s tougher for me to pick a favorite from this group, as they all are pretty nice.  The “T/M” combo logo from 1996-08  is the weak one of the bunch, but it is unique.

The last group are the script logo’s.

I love the “WOLVES” logo that we currently have and also the “MINNESOTA” logo on the bottom.  When it comes to scripts, simplicity is best!  There is nothing earth-shattering, I just thought it is is cool to take a look.

Wolves News

Rod Simon breaks down the Wolves chances in the lottery.

"The New Jersey Nets finished the season with the NBA’s worst record (12-70), so they will be assigned 250 combinations and conversely, the Houston Rockets (the best team in the lottery at 42-40) will have five combinations out of 1,000. The order of selection for the teams that do not win one of the top three picks will be determined by inverse order of their regular season record. Thus, New Jersey can pick no lower than fourth, the Wolves (15-67) can pick no lower than fifth. The Wolves stand a 20% chance of securing the top pick.Want the odds from one to five? Minnesota’s odds are:No. 1 Pick: 19.90%No. 2 Pick: 18.79%No. 3 Pick: 17.08%No. 4 Pick: 31.85%No. 5 Pick: 12.38%"

The lottery is just days away and while the Wolves can not pick lower than 5th, we have never picked higher than 3rd.

NBA News

Tonight’s game 6 between the Celtics and the Cavs; is it the most important game of LeBron’s career?  I have heard him say that he is not worried about his legacy and that there is still a lot of years left.  BULL CRAP!  While he might be able to play for another 10 years, there is no guarantee.  Just ask Patrick Ewing and Charles Barkley.  LeBron has to be feeling the pressure, he needs to feel the pressure and come out like he is the best player in the world.  LEAVE NO DOUBT!

I am not ready to say that he is not a winner, but LeBron has been a hot topic from major writers over the last few days.  Here are a couple articles about the most famous one.

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