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    Game Notes: Minnesota Timberwolves vs. New Orleans Hor… Pelicans?


    Quarter 1

    • Wolves really getting hit hard by ESPN”s countdown. Unfortunately, Kahn probably deserves it.
    • Interesting match-ups between Kevin Love and Kevin Love-lite (Ryan Anderson). There are few players whose games are more similar (Love’s got a better post game and Anderson shoots more 3’s).
    • Al-Faroq Aminu has insane athleticism. He’s in a class all by himself in this game.
    • You read a lot about Anthony Davis’ wingspan, but in game it’s just ridiculous. Almost of a Javale McGee quality.
    • Pek is murdering Robin Lopez. He can get his post position whenever he wants and there is no way Lopez contests his hook shots.
    • NOLA has some great potential but the current turnover situation is laughable. As in 2009 Wolves laughable.
    • With such a deep draft class to choose from, Austin Rivers wasn’t the best choice for as the 10th pick. He should have been in the 20’s based on talent alone.
    • Love’s shooting woes continue. This is some really bad timing for him.
    • Wolves leading 28-23 after the first.

    Quarter 2

    • Derrick Williams sighting! Two games in a row that he’s come of the bench as a SF paired with Dante Cunningham.
    • Bench unit once again clicking together. Good to see them getting some chemistry developing.
    • Barea is absolutely taking over the game. Both Roberts and Vasquez plays to high to prevent the minute guard from driving.
    • Howard is looking like a pretty good signing after all these injuries. Considering that he was replacing Will Conroy, Howard’s production is pretty special.
    • Caged Lion playing within the offense. Looks like he’s finally learning how to get some minutes under Adelman.
    • While Pek continues to churn out points, Love is really struggling with finishing and converting open shots.
    • Kirilenko’s passes just shredding NOLA’s defense. Their bigs don’t know how to defend against those kind of passes.
    • Game tied 50-50 due to Austin Rivers going crazy on the Wolves.

    Quarter 3

    • Kirilenko, Pekovic, Barea and Shved keeping Minnesota in this game. Love has really been a letdown for the second consecutive game, which is highly unlike him. Hopefully, he gets his act together in the second half.
    • Love’s effort level is way down. Can’t tell if it’s related to anything from the article, but it is killing Minnesota.
    • Hornets are getting some really lucky bounces. Meanwhile, Ridnour is proving to be the spacer that Minnesota needed in their offense.
    • Shved’s creativity is almost, dare I say it, Rubio-esque. He finds the smallest seams in a defense and exploits them. Also uses his shot to keep the defense honest.
    • Josh Howard may be the latest Wolf to be bitten by the injury bug. Hopefully it’s not too serious after Malcolm Lee was diagnosed with the degenerative chronal knee injury.
    • Shved to Kirilenko has been a dominating theme of this game. New Orleans still hasn’t figured out the whole baseline backdoor cut idea.

    Quarter 4

    • Wolves making a noticeable effort to get Love going. Both Barea and Shved have been spoonfeeding Love assists.
    • Kirilenko is going to be one of those players who will age very well. Most of his game is predicated on his length and effort not athleticism.
    • Brian Roberts is torching Barea on the defensive end. The curl action screens and flare screens are really forcing the smaller Barea to get trapped behind bigger players.
    • I just don’t get if players understand if just don’t see Kirilenko cutting towards the basket. He just seems to get open every time.
    • Kirilenko’s length just killing New Orleans on their drives. He’s getting blocks or steals or some kind of basket interference.
    • Looks like Kevin Love just re injured his hand. Definitely another blow that Minnesota will have to overcome.
    • Wolves win 113-102.