NBA Mock Draft 2015 Version 2: Changes in the Top Ten

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Welcome to Version 2 of the Dunking With Wolves NBA Mock Draft 2015.

There have been edits to both the top ten and the bottom ten, with a few players sliding down in between. Depending on any pending news, there may be a Version 3 of our mock draft posted on Thursday morning.

Also, if you missed either of the No Frills Wolves NBA Draft Podcasts by Justin Schardin and Ben Beecken, they can be found here and here.

Stay tuned to DWW all week for maximum draft coverage. In the meantime, enjoy Version 2 of our mock draft!

1. Minnesota Timberwolves

2. Los Angeles Lakers

3. Philadelphia 76ers

4. New York Knicks

5. Orlando Magic

Next: Picks 6-10