#3 – The Missing Tooth
It’s no secret that Cole Aldrich has the smile of a hockey player. He can often be seen during games sporting his signature smile with the front tooth missing, but the real question is, how did he end up like that?
No, it didn’t come from blocking a slapshot; he actually lost it during a basketball game while playing at Kansas. Aldrich’s smile took shape during his freshman year of college, in a game against Kansas State. His front left tooth was chipped during a collision with a Wildcats player, and then was knocked out completely during practice the week following that game.
Aldrich has a fake tooth that he wears occasionally, but it’s always a toss-up as to whether or not he will be wearing it at any given time. During media day when Aldrich was playing for the Knicks, he was asked about his fake tooth, and he left his answer as ambiguous as possible: