As the rest of the NBA world watched the Warriors vs. Cavaliers Round 4 – almost like an Avengers sequel we never asked for – the remaining 28 franchises were left to sit at home yet again, waiting for the NBA Draft.
As we finally get closer to the offseason, it’s important to point out the most exciting part of it, the first round of the 2018 NBA Draft. The draft will be later this week (Thursday, June 21st) and will most likely be more exciting than the entirety of the NBA regular season.
Not that the regular season didn’t have its moments. Also, the idea of repeating another NBA Finals isn’t a very attractive scenario to most of the leagues’ fans, so its a lose-lose.
Here at Dunking with Wolves, we mainly post about the Minnesota Timberwolves and their pressing news and rumors. Although, the NBA Draft gives all fans and writers a chance to have a voice and project who will get drafted to what team.
This mock draft will contain only the teams that currently have picks and who we believe will pick what player, not including any possible trade scenarios in the near future for moving up or down in the draft order. Although, with several trades happening every year, you can assume that there will most likely be some sort of mix up pertaining to the order in the future.
Disclaimer: Every Timberwolves’ fan knows how bad the Wolves are at drafting, we try and solve that here, but you really can’t be sure anymore.
Hope you enjoy, here’s the 30 projected picks of the first round.