The tip of the iceberg
But that was only the tip of the iceberg. He had plenty more to say about Chris Paul on @GetUpESPN, and he was not about to stop until he got it all off his chest. The man was on a roll, and whether or not he will regret being so passionately brutal to another NBA player remains to be seen. In this exchange, he calls Chris Paul a “cone.”
That is a term often used by bloggers to exaggerate the flat-footedness of a basketball player or football defensive back to describe their limits to keep pace with the offensive player.
Wow. Pat Bev just called Suns Chris Paul a “cone” on live television. Patrick Beverly is a player for the Minnesota Timberwolves. He has a right to his opinion. And clearly, his views were sought after by putting him on as a guest for today’s Get Up ESPN broadcast.
But there is a time and place for making those types of comments. Yes, it was all highly quotable stuff. Yes, he had some kernels of truth amidst what he was saying. But he was not talking to someone who would go back to the computer and type it all up. Comments like that are poorly received in print. But live videos of Beverly actually mouthing the words? Brutal