Reason III: A struggling Jazz stops second-guessing over the Gobert trade
Caveat Emptor. Or in common English – let the buyer beware. More and more, society is evolving into something far more cynical. Perhaps it’s the proliferation of information that is the internet. After all, information was sparsely distributed at one point in American culture. You found it in the daily newspaper. There was the morning ‘feel good’ news and weather. Then, you could catch the local news twice in the evening, and the national news once, each time in 30-minute clips.
If you wanted to catch the sports news about the Minnesota Timberwolves, you had perhaps two or three articles about the team in the local paper, and perhaps five minutes of news.
Information overload
Now? It’s 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The news is not just news now, but the thirst for information now includes opinionated takes on what is the news, speculative conjecture on how that news impacts the team, and what remedies should take place to correct the demise that has yet to take place.
Right now, there is plenty of concern among Minnesota Timberwolves fans that perhaps the Timberwolves had traded too much value for the services of center Rudy Gobert. It’s a normal second-guessing process that affects everyone to varying degrees. But when the Jazz shot out of the gates to a 10-3 start, while the Timberwolves were only at 5-8 in their first 13 games, that truly amplified the worries and concerns.
Making matters worse, with every win by the Minnesota Timberwolves, with every shot blocked or rebound that does not come at the hands of Rudy Gobert, someone is standing by at their keyboard to tell Minnesota Timberwolves fans that the trade was a grave mistake. Why? It plays into fears, and emotions drive views. It will take time to judge the worth of that Rudy Gobert trade. If the Jazz struggle in the meantime, fans will allow the necessary time to pass to make an objective assessment.